Over the years, I have worked with many high-level people who pour their entire lives into what they do and believe in, especially when it comes to helping others. However, when it comes to investing in ourselves and getting what we need to grow and become our best selves, we need help. We greatly advocate for what we feel others may need but struggle with our worthiness. Sometimes, this feeling is unconscious, but it still exists, and we need to address it and get to the bottom line. I want you to know you are worth whatever it takes and whatever you need to invest in yourself. Achieving your goals starts with believing in yourself and knowing you are just as worthy as anyone else.
As I shared, sometimes our thoughts and actions towards ourselves are unconscious and can be for a combination of reasons. Depending on how we were raised and the values we gathered from our parents, preachers, teachers, and friends can play a huge role in how we see ourselves. If we are told we can do anything or deserve the best, we tend to believe it. We should never feel we are better or deserve better than anyone else. However, we deserve to invest in ourselves and enjoy the benefits of that investment just like anyone else. Some things that hold us back include that we do not feel good about spending money on ourselves and that we should use that money to help others. We may need to figure out where to start and what we want. Overall, we can feel overwhelmed and need clarification about how to begin. Investing in yourself may put you out of your comfort zone, but keep these factors from holding you back.
One of the first things we can do to get started is to address the things we feel may be getting in our way, which begins with how we think and our mindset. Figure out who in your circle means you well and will support your new actions of taking care of yourself first. Do not let fear hold you back; let it catapult you beyond your wildest expectations. Then, list what you want to grow in and investigate how you can accomplish that. Do your research and find out who is doing what you hope to do and how they do it, where they go, what type of books they read, and what kind of seminars they attend. Start getting around people who understand the life you desire. Let go of any self-doubt and be willing to put in the work and time to accomplish what you desire.
Personal development often requires delayed gratification, but many prioritize short-term rewards over long-term benefits. For example, spending money on entertainment or material goods provides instant pleasure, while investing in education or skills may not yield immediate results.
Most good leaders understand the importance of investing in oneself. Warren Buffet said it is the best thing you can do for yourself. He shared that if you invest in yourself, no one can take it away from you. He goes further to say, “Address whatever you feel your weaknesses are and do it now. Whatever you want to learn more, start doing it today. Do not put it off to your old age. The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, and the good thing is you do not have to pay taxes on that investment.” Start believing in your worth today. #YouAreWorthy #CoachWendy
Healing Without Hate: It's a choice. It's a lifestyle. Pass it on.
Visit www.WendyGladney.com and www.forgivingforliving.org to learn more. Wendy is a life strategist, coach, consultant, author, and speaker.